Saturday was originally going to be a race morning for me. I had signed up for a race series of which my second event was to be Saturday. I don’t know what came over me (OK, I do, but don’t want to talk about it), but the thought of racing didn’t appeal. Instead of running with a bunch of others, I headed out for a solo jaunt out east at the Iron Mountain area. If you’re keeping geographic track, I started here.
I hit the low energy wall at 12 K, but I finished up the planned 16 K distance, and headed home both as victor and DFL in my own personal race.
I tried another short 5 K jaunt on Sunday closer to home. It was a tricky footing challenge with lumpy ground and ice covered over with a 4 cm skin of snow. The wind was up a bit, as well as the humidity, making it feel a LOT colder than Saturday, even though the temperature was higher.
The definite highlight was watching the two golden eagles soaring and stooping overhead. Awesome.
I am going to amend that to be on a per-time basis, though. Each set of exercises will buy him a few hours of game time. To keep playing, he needs to crank out another set. He’ll be less pleased, but stronger in the long run. Just wait until I start tossing in the cardio as well. :-)
Did some kitchen time as well, whipping up a batch of no-cook protein bars and enough Green Chile for the week’s lunches. I altered the chile recipe a bit to make it with beef instead of pork. I was tagged as having low ferritin levels a month or so ago (< 8), and have been working to get it back up. I figured substituting beef for pork in a recipe would be an easy assist. Oh, and if anyone wants either recipe, let me know. If I can accomplish it, you know it's easy.
Between cooking, monitoring exercise, dog play and my jaunts, I did get a bit of reading in. I was able to finish Pat Conroy's South of Broad. I enjoyed it and gave it 4 of 5 stars on
Oh, and my nephew was on the television during the Broncos vs. Ravens football game. I didn't do the capture, but that's the goofball in the sunglasses and dork-hat on the TV.