I estimate a few thousand people participated while I was there, and only a few idiots who thought weaving through crowds impressed us all with their biking prowess. I did spot one teen girl wearing her helmet backwards, but couldn't get to my phone fast enough to snap a pic. I did snap a few other photos though.
I had been out to 4th of July Lake a few times, always beautiful, but as an out and back, an anathema to my desire to tread new ground as much as possible. I had seen that there is a possible lasso with only 1 mile of repeated terrain possible and decided that since nobody was coming, I'd do it.
Turns out, there were a couple of attendees. I left it up to them as to if they wanted to do the lasso or an out and back. Both elected to explore. Boy, was that a mistake on their parts!
Instead of breakfast, we did have a couple of classic Cokes and an order of fries at the Carson City Red Hut. Tasted awesome after the run!