Dave killed it on the downhill and after waiting a few minutes for us, we all regrouped at the base of Kamikaze Grasshopper. This is a tough but fairly short climb; I almost made it. We then closed the first loop by zipping back down EZ, then we hooked up with 12-Gauge to Shotgun Canyon.
As we were making our way up Shotgun Canyon, I spotted a single track branching off to the southwest. Our trek immediately became a Recon Run, as there was no doubt in anyone's mind that we would take the new trail. Yay! Recon Run! Joe dubbed it the Three Amigos. (I am wondering who he is leaving out? Himself, Dave, Gino or me? Hmmm...) I really liked that trail, as it is runnable in its entirety, a single track and avoids the nasty, too-steep climb up Shotgun Canyon over to Longview. It may get a bit marshy in the spring, though. There were a lot of grass and willows at the top. After being pointed down from the top, Dave again took off. We were so slow, that he was done and gone before we returned to the cars. Nice running with you Dave!
Fire road south, Rusty Bucket Spur, Cheeky Monkey, North Goat Trail (that's a walk-up), Flag, Flag High-Way, EZ-Trail, Fire Road northward, Kamakazie Grasshopper, Back on the EZ, 12-Gauge, Shotgun Canyon, Three Amigos, Longview Canyon, Kingsview Bypass, The Mark of Zorro back down to the Fire Road and out to the road. On the way back, we took the small single track to the east of the fire road, to (1) avoid a dog on the fire road, and (2) not retrace as much as possible.
The run was great fun, and definitely a redo in the near future.
BTW, if you have a Garmin, I can make the course public on connect.garmin.com for download.