It has many things going for it. Some that pop quickly to mind:
- It’s a university town, filled with smart, energetic young people bursting with ideas and creativity. Not to mention the continuing education opportunities.
- There are plenty of cultural opportunities as well. Appearances can be deceiving, but this drunken monkey can appreciate art, live music and even theater. It’d take someone special to get me to an opera or ballet thingy though.
- It’s an eminently walkable and bikeable town as well. Miles and miles of trails and dedicated bike lanes; no car needed. And, from what I can tell, a robust public transit system.
- The climate is nice enough. Sure it’s Colorado, but it’s in the banana belt of Colorado.
- Outdoor activities are plentiful and vigorously pursued by many residents, even old shits like me. My participation would not be seen as weird or unseemly, but I won’t doff my shirt unless virtually guaranteed to be solo. Because that would be unseemly. And an emetic to others.
- How can you not like a town with a waxing studio called “The Screaming Peach”?
Sorry MoCo, FoCo has usurped the top position.